Quick Daily Quiz: What is Novak Djokovic famous for?

Your daily news quiz is ready!

Who is Novak Djokovic? What’s Donald Trump’s military experience? What’s up with Paris Hilton? And – Can you tell the Japanese leader from the Chinese?

Let’s see how smart you are today!

Daily News Quiz for Sep. 7th 2020

Which sport is Novak Djokovic most famous for?

Daily Quiz: 10 Trivia questions, No time limit, News update to follow each question in the results page. Well, how smart are you today?

1 / 10

According to the old fashioned rule, which color aren’t you supposed to wear after the American Labor Day?


2 / 10

For which sport is Novak Djokovic most famous?

Photo: Joshua Sadli from Melbourne, Australia / CC BY-SA

3 / 10

What is the main religion in the country of Sudan?

Flag of Sudan

4 / 10

What is the relation between Paris Hilton and Hilton Hotels founder, Conrad Hilton?

Photo: Georges Biard / CC BY-SA

5 / 10

Where in the world can you find Montenegro?

Photo: Diego Delso, delso.photo, License CC-BY-SA

6 / 10

This is an American model and TV personality, Hailey Rhode Bieber. Which Baldwin is her father?



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A post shared by Hailey Baldwin Bieber (@haileybieber) on

7 / 10

What is the name of this Chinese leader?

Photo: James F. X. O’Gara / CC BY 

8 / 10

Who is this graceful man?

Photo: James F. X. O’Gara / CC BY

9 / 10

What is the 1619 Project?

question mark

10 / 10

How many times did current American President, Donald Trump, avoid the draft during the Vietnam war?

Photo: Gage Skidmore / CC BY-SA

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