What’s marine snow?

Tilted Brush Stroke
Tilted Brush Stroke

Biological debris

Actual  snow

Is it a deep water phenomenon or a weather anomality?  And what's wrong with it?

What’s marine snow?

Tilted Brush Stroke

Biological debris

Ocean snow is a shower of usually biological debris that falls from higher in the water before reaching the ocean's bottom.

Is the ocean floor now made of plastic?

What’s marine snow?

Tilted Brush Stroke

Biological debris

An April 4, 2022, report in the New York Times identifies marine snowfall as increasingly being contaminated by microplastics.

Can that be dangerous?

What’s marine snow?

Tilted Brush Stroke

Biological debris

The snowfall eventually settles on the seafloor in a layer of plastic that might affect the cooling process.