News Quiz of the Week | Dec. 16, 2022 | A Weekly Current Events Trivia Game |

visibility 74K views calendar_month Dec 21, 2022

Make sure you didn't miss anything important that happened this week with the best trivia #questionsandanswers . The Friday #weekly News Quiz has 12 multiple-choice questions about the week's events. In #politics : What is the US Respect for Marriage Act? In #sciencefacts : What is #nuclearfusion ? And in #businessnews : Who's the world's new richest person? Test your knowledge of current worldwide events and the week's headlines with the Dec. 16 News Quiz of the Week. Take it online or print it out for your weekly trivia party here. Here's the complete list of current events trivia questions and multiple-choice answers from the Dec. 16 News Quiz of the Week. 1. What is the US Respect for Marriage Act?  A criminal code banning sex outside of marriage.  A law banning divorce.  A law recognizing only heterosexual marriages.  A law recognizing same-sex and interracial marriage. 2. What is nuclear fusion?  A nuclear reaction that releases energy.  A dance performed in nuclear reactors.
