Where does Joe Biden come from?

Your daily news quiz is ready! Do you also know what Hydroxychloroquine is actually good for? And who raised more: Jordan or Bansky? Take the quiz!

Joe Biden

What is Hydroxychloroquine actually good for?

Where does Joe Biden come from? Will Kanye West become president? Who raised more: Jordan or Bansky? Let’s find out how smart you are today!

1 / 10

Category: Politics

Which state did Joe Biden represent in the US senate before he became Obama’s Vice President?

Joe Biden

2 / 10

Category: Sports

Who is this serious man next to President Obama?

3 / 10

Category: Business

In which country was the popular Tik Tok app developed?

Tik Tok logo

4 / 10

Category: Life Style

What is the name of Kanye West’s fashion brand?

5 / 10

Category: Science

What is Hydroxychloroquine actually being used to cure?


6 / 10

Category: Entertainment

Emmy nominations are out! What’s the most nominated show for 2020?

7 / 10

Category: Business

Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of which school?

Photo: Anthony Quintano / CC BY 2.0

8 / 10

Category: Culture

What was the name of a documentary film directed by mysterious artists Banksy?

9 / 10

Category: Sports

How many games does each team play in a regular-season of the NBA?

Photo: Chensiyuan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

10 / 10

Category: Science

What is a Stegosaurus?

Hardest questions to answer Quiz Round

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