Quick Fun Crypto Quiz: 12 Essential Questions and Answers

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Tech-Business Quiz: 12 essential Crypto Quiz trivia questions on one of the decade’s buzzwords and fails. Which crypto coins does PayPal accept? Which country was the first to adopt Bitcoin? What’s NFT art? And why did FTX collapse?

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Crypto Quiz

Daily Quiz: 12 Crypto coins, currency, and tech general knowledge multiple-choice questions from 2021 on Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and NFT. Click "start quiz."

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1. Bitcoin is the biggest cryptocurrency by market value. What is the second?

Photo: CryptoWallet.com Images, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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2. Which of these crypto coins DOESN’T Paypal’s Checkout with Crypto allow?

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3. What’s NFT art?

Image: Beeple | The First 5000 Days / Christies.com

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4. How did the first-ever authentic Banksy piece turn into an NFT art?

Image: sothebys.com

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5. Why did Damien Hirst burn artworks collectively worth almost £10 million?

Screenshot: Sky News - YouTube

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6. Which country is planning a city with no property, income, or municipal taxes and zero carbon dioxide emissions?

Photo: Raúl Arias, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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7. What's OpenSea?

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8. What caused crypto exchange FTX's bankruptcy in 2022?

Screenshot: Bloomberg Markets and Finance - YouTube

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9. According to court filings, why did FTX owner Sam Bankman Fried bribe Chinese officials?

Screenshot: Reuters - YouTube

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10. What are Ordinals?

Screenshot: TwelveFold

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11. Who is the billionaire tycoon behind Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume?

Screenshot: Entrepreneur ME - YouTube

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12. What's the deal with stablecoins in the crypto world?

Image: Paypal

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The Crypto Quiz Questions

Crypto Quiz

How did the first-ever authentic Banksy piece turn into an NFT art?

Image: sothebys.com
It was animated into a gif-meme.
It was shredded and filmed.
It was burnt and filmed.
It was scanned into a 100Gb file.
A form of digital art.
A digital art piece with a unique sellable identity.
Neutrally Financed Tangible art.
Neural Funnel Tunnel art.

Which of these crypto coins DOESN’T Paypal’s Checkout with Crypto allow?


Bitcoin is the biggest cryptocurrency by market value. What is the second?

Photo: CryptoWallet.com Images, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Which country is planning a city with no property, income, or municipal taxes and zero carbon dioxide emissions?

Photo: Raúl Arias, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
El Salvador.
The Netherlands.
The United States.

What's OpenSea?

A cryptocurrency exchange company.
An image bank.
A marketplace for handmade and vintage items.
An NFT marketplace.

Why did Damien Hirst burn artworks collectively worth almost £10 million?

Screenshot: Sky News - YouTube
To protest against the war in Ukraine.
To warn against climate change.
To preserve the value of the artworks’ NFTs.
To make room for new artwork.

What caused crypto exchange FTX's bankruptcy in 2022?

Screenshot: Bloomberg Markets and Finance - YouTube
A bank run.
A bull trap.
A credit crunch.
A Minsky moment.

What are Ordinals?

Screenshot: TwelveFold
A new type of NFTs that are based on Ethereum and stored indirectly on the blockchain.
A new type of NFTs that are based on Bitcoin and stored directly on the blockchain.
A new type of NFTs that are based on Dogecoin and stored directly on Elon Musk’s tweets.
A new type of NFTs that are based on Cardano and stored directly on Google servers.

According to court filings, why did FTX owner Sam Bankman Fried bribe Chinese officials?

Screenshot: Reuters - YouTube
To get a Chinese official to teach him how to make dumplings.
To get a Chinese official to invest in his company.
To get his rival company’s trading accounts frozen.
To get his sister company’s trading accounts unfrozen.

Who is the billionaire tycoon behind Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume?

Screenshot: Entrepreneur ME - YouTube
Elon Musk, the eccentric Tesla and SpaceX CEO who loves tweeting about Dogecoin.
Changpeng Zhao, the Chinese-born Canadian coder who goes by CZ and faces charges from US regulators.
Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious and anonymous Bitcoin creator who has never been identified.
Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook founder who wants to launch his own digital currency called Metacoin.

What's the deal with stablecoins in the crypto world?

Image: Paypal
A digital currency with a horse as its logo.
A digital currency that clings to assets like the US dollar or gold.
A digital coin that's always flat, making it ideal for coin flipping.
A cryptocurrency that's always in a stable emotional state, never experiencing FOMO.