Japan Trivia | New & Unusual Quiz about Japan

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World Countries Quiz: Current events Japan trivia questions on Japanese royalty, politics, environment, and food. What’s the meaning of Arigato in Japanese? What happened in Fukushima? How many Japanese Emperors have ever opened the Olympic Games? And What’s another name for Wasabi? Take the Japan trivia quiz!

Take the Japan Quiz

Unusual Japan Trivia Quiz

12 unusual Multiple-choice general knowledge questions on Japan, its history, and Japanese culture. No time-limit. Click “start quiz” when you’re ready. How smart are you today?

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1. Who is this graceful man?

Photo: James F. X. O’Gara / CC BY

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2. What’s the meaning of Arigato in Japanese?

Screenshot: Tokyo 2020 on Eurosport.

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3. What happened in Fukushima?

Hardest questions to answer Quiz Round

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4. Maki Kaji was the first to publish which game under its famous name?

Photo: S Pakhrin from DC, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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5. Princess Mako is a royal of which country?

Screenshot: CBS News

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6. Which is the only G7 country that does NOT fully recognize same-sex marriage?

Photo: White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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7. How many Japanese Emperors have ever opened the Olympic Games?

Photo: Dick Thomas Johnson, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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8. What kind of spider is this?

Photo: 池田正樹 (talk)masaki ikeda, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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9. How old are the world’s oldest female twins?

Photo: Guinness World Records

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10. What’s another name for Wasabi?

Photo: publicdomainq.net, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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11. Why did Japan launch a nationwide campaign to boost (!) alcohol consumption?

Screenshot: sakebiba.jp

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12. The age of consent is 14 in Germany and China. What’s Japan’s age of consent?

Illustration: HowSmart.net

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Japan Trivia Quiz Questions

Here’s the complete list of trivia questions on our current trivia quiz about Japan.

Japan Trivia - 2022 Quiz About Japan

Who is this graceful man?

Photo: James F. X. O'Gara / CC BY
Jiang Zemin, former leader of China
Shinzō Abe, former Prime Minister of Japan
Takeshi Kitano, Japanese TV personality
Jackie Chan, Hong Kong actor

What’s the meaning of Arigato in Japanese?

Screenshot: Tokyo 2020 on Eurosport.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
The art of paper-folding.

What happened in Fukushima?

A radioactive leak during a safety drill.
A tsunami hit a nuclear plant.
A nuclear bomb explosion.
A kamikaze attack.

Maki Kaji was the first to publish which game under its famous name?

Photo: S Pakhrin from DC, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Candy Crash.

Princess Mako is a royal of which country?

Screenshot: CBS News

Which is the only G7 country that does NOT fully recognize same-sex marriage?

Photo: White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

How many Japanese Emperors have ever opened the Olympic Games?

Photo: Dick Thomas Johnson, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

What kind of spider is this?

Photo: 池田正樹 (talk)masaki ikeda, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Pumpkin spider.
Jorō spider.
Cane spider.
Golden garden spider.

How old are the world’s oldest female twins?

Photo: Guinness World Records

What's another name for Wasabi?

Photo: publicdomainq.net, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
Japanese horseradish.
Japanese radish.
Japanese ginger.
Okutama artichoke.

Why did Japan launch a nationwide campaign to boost (!) alcohol consumption?

Screenshot: sakebiba.jp
Because of its social contribution.
Because of its health benefits.
To increase births.
To increase tax revenues.

The age of consent is 14 in Germany and China. What's Japan's age of consent?

Illustration: HowSmart.net
13 Years-old.
16 Years-old.
17 Years-old.
21 Years-old.

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