Are you tired of quizzing just yourself? Are you preparing to host a quiz party for your friends or family? Want to entertain the perfect Zoom quiz? There’s nothing like taking a good quiz with friends. We have what you need: 10 quiz rounds of up-to-date trivia questions from 2021, in ten topics. We also have a few tips for being the perfect trivia game host – with the help of our website.
Quiz Round Topics: 1. World Countries Quiz | 2. Political Test / History Quiz | 3. Arts Trivia | 4. Science Trivia / Outer Space Trivia | 5. Technology Trivia | 6. Sports Trivia | 7. Movie Trivia / Classic Movie Trivia | 8. Music Trivia | 9. TV Shows Quiz | 10. Final Round Questions
What is the Perfect Trivia Game?
A perfect trivia game occurs when everyone participating is happy – either because they managed to up their trivia skills or because the host was extra fun, and the game is filled with funny anecdotes and new information.
- Make the trivia game relevant – Pick questions and topics that are relevant to your guests.
- Make the rules clear upfront, and make sure everyone understands them.
- Prepare a scoreboard (or a score note) and a pen in advance.
What are the Rules of an excellent Trivia Quiz with Friends?
The fun part about hosting your quiz party is that you get to make your own rules. If your company is strict, use our rigorous set of rules, but otherwise, we suggest you take a more relaxed attitude – and give out points for everyone just for fun.
- Strict Quiz Game: Ask the question and immediately give the four optional answers. Each participant, in their turn, has one chance to identify the correct answer. They only get the point if they chose the correct answer—no extra points or hints. The host should, however, read out the bonus fact that makes this question relevant for 2021.
- Relaxed Family or Friends Quiz Party: You may play against each other – but why not play as a group against us? The host reads the question. If no one answers, the host gives four optional answers. Someone (including the host!) has to guess. If they guessed wrong, the host will now see the correct answer and can hint at it. Still, no one knows? Give the solution and move on. Once the group figured out the correct answer to the host’s satisfaction, they (or just those who answered) get the point. Did someone get it right? See if you want to challenge them with an additional question for a bonus point, or just read out the bonus fact that makes this question relevant for 2021.
How to be the Perfect Trivia Game Host?
First of all – be yourself. Everyone came to your quiz party because they like you. It’s a quiz with friends. Cheers. Then – make sure all participants are comfortable. A drink or a snack (preferably both) will usually help.
During the quiz:
- Make it fun: If someone is not participating – try to direct a question their way, like, “Friend, I know you can answer the next question.”
- Pick topics for everyone: Even if almost everyone’s into entertainment, but there’s one person who doesn’t care for it, throw a non-entertainment round in the game to include them.
- Make it Short: We’ve packed 100 question ideas with additional questions and bonus facts. No need to go through all of them at once! Twenty questions should comfortably fill a 40-minute game – and that’s a lot (and also your free Zoom limit). Our advice is to pick four quiz rounds for your first quiz party, with five questions in each round.
Quiz Categories / Quiz Topics / Quiz Rounds
We’ve assembled 100 of the best questions from our daily news quizzes and weekly quizzes into this hand-picked collection of quiz round topics. Please don’t do them all at once! Pick four of the categories best suited for your party. On each tap, “Start Quiz.” Ten questions with multiple answers will appear before you. You can use all of them, but we suggest you pick five questions that best fit your friends and then read out loud just those. Want to make this “quiz with friends” thing a regular event? Try our weekly quizzes!
Here are Some of our Quiz Round Categories:
- Quiz Category: World Countries Quiz. 10 Amazing Questions
- Quiz Category: Political Test. 10 Awesome Questions
- Quiz Category: Arts Trivia. 10 Beautiful Questions
- Quiz Category: 10 New Science Trivia Questions
- Quiz Category: Technology Trivia. 10 Smart Questions
- Quiz Category: Sports Trivia. 10 High Adrenaline Questions
- Quiz Category: Movie Trivia. 10 Fantastic Questions
- Quiz Category: Music Trivia. 10 Great Questions for 2021
- Quiz Category: TV Shows Quiz. 10 Perfect Questions for 2021
- Final Round: 10 Hardest Questions to Answer for 2021