Friday, Nov. 19 Weekly Quiz: Royals, Beatles, Evil Dictators

Weekly News Quiz: Welcome to your Friday, Nov. 19 Weekly trivia challenge! How old is Prince Charles? Who was South Africa’s last white president? And what’s the title of The Beatles’ final studio album? 14 Multiple choice general-knowledge-worthy questions with answers and extra facts from the passing news week when you hit Start Quiz.

Weekend News Quiz for Friday, November 19, 2021

Weekly Quiz: 14 General knowledge questions from the past week. No time-limit. How smart are you this weekend?

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1. Why did Britain's Queen Elizabeth II miss the 2021 Remembrance Day Service?

Photo: The Royal Navy, OGL 3, via Wikimedia Commons

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2. How old was King Charles III when he was crowned?

Photo: Hugo Burnand / Clarence House via Instagram

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3. Where did Britain’s then Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, go first on their first royal tour since the start of the coronavirus pandemic?

Image: @clarencehouse onTwitter

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4. Who was South Africa's last white president?

Photo: U.S. Department of State, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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5. Which country did the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos rule?

Photo: SSGT Marvin D. Lynchard, USAF, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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6. Ji-Young, Sesame Street’s first Asian American muppet, is of which descent?

Screenshot: Sesame Street

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7. The 2021 COP26 climate talks ended with a deal that, for the first time, does what?

Photo: 首相官邸ホームページ, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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8. Which country has KGB as its principal security agency in 2021?

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9. Which leader described himself as "the last dictator in Europe"?

Photo:, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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10. In Which Spider-Man movie did the character of Dr. Curt Connors first appear on screen?

Screenshot: Sony Pictures Entertainment

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11. What’s the title of The Beatles’ final studio album?

Screenshot: The Beatles: Get Back / Disney +

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12. What is the most expensive artwork by a Latin American artist ever sold?

Image: Sotheby’s on Twitter

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13. What was Lady Gaga’s first movie leading role?

Screenshot: Warner Bros. Pictures

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14. What's Will Smith's character's occupation in "King Richard"?

Screenshot: King Richard / Warner Bros. Pictures

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More quizzes for the Friday, Nov. 19 weekend:

Sources for the Nov. 19 Weekly News Facts: